Eva & Franco Mattes


403 Forbidden (2000)

Following our copy of Jodi’s website, a curator mistook us for the artist couple and commissioned a new work. Instead of clearing the misunderstanding, we made a new work in Jodi’s style: 403 Forbidden

The work employed several elements of Jodi’s typical aesthetic such as green text, transparent grid background, broken images, illegible characters and various browser glitches. The 5 pages feature common server error codes: 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 501 Not Implemented, 503 Service Unavailable and 401 Authorization Required.



Eva & Franco Mattes, Forbidden 403




Eva & Franco Mattes, Forbidden 403




Eva & Franco Mattes, Forbidden 403




Eva & Franco Mattes, Forbidden 403




Eva & Franco Mattes, Forbidden 403

Screenshots from website