Eva & Franco Mattes


BEFNOED (2013-)

BEFNOED – an acronym for By Everyone, For No One, Every Day – involves providing anonymous workers with instructions to film themselves performing various acts. Since these individuals are hired through crowdsourcing platforms, their identities, locations, and motivations remain unknown to us. The resulting videos are displayed in museums and distributed across obscure, peripheral, or forgotten social networks worldwide.







exhib carrollfletcher befnoed view left with person



Within the museum, the monitors are deliberately arranged in a way that compels viewers to adopt physically awkward and unconventional positions to view the work.











Eva & Franco Mattes, BEFNOED




Eva & Franco Mattes, BEFNOED

Installed at Carroll / Fletcher, London.



Eva & Franco Mattes, BEFNOED

Installed at Fondation Phi, Montreal.



Eva & Franco Mattes, BEFNOED

Ladder Somewhere, screenshot from video.




Watering Fish, screenshot from video.



Eva & Franco Mattes, BEFNOED

Licking Rim, screenshot from video.




Heads Tube, screenshot from video.




Head Hedge, screenshot from video.



Eva & Franco Mattes, BEFNOED

Covered Blanket, screenshot from video.




Bucket Salute, screenshot from video.



Eva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, BefnoedEva & Franco Mattes, Befnoed

Photos of visitors found online.