Eva & Franco Mattes


Catt (2010)

A sculpture of a taxidermy cat in a cage, with a yellow bird perched on top.



Eva & Franco Mattes, Catt



It was initially exhibited in a gallery in Houston, Texas, as a new original work by Maurizio Cattelan – hence the title Catt – where it was met with great enthusiasm by the art world.



Eva & Franco Mattes, Catt




Eva & Franco Mattes, Catt



We later revealed that the work was not actually by Cattelan, but ours, and was based on a popular Epic Fail meme we found online.



catt epic fail



As photos of our sculpture began circulating online, they inspired further variations, such as these:


Eva & Franco Mattes, Catt Eva & Franco Mattes, Catt Eva & Franco Mattes, Catt Eva & Franco Mattes, Catt Eva & Franco Mattes, Catt