A six-episode video installation series exploring the lives of internet content moderators. Contrary to popular belief, the removal of offensive material from the internet is not handled by sophisticated algorithms alone. Instead, it is the nerve-wracking and demanding work of thousands of anonymous individuals—people disguised as algorithms.
Installed at Carroll / Fletcher, London.
Projected at Whitechapel Gallery, London.
The six episodes were released exclusively on the Darknet. To watch them, download the Tor Browser from https://www.torproject.org and visit jnhvqx5annuswmmh3mhfj4exvartelzftr4gdc5chucllqqljccg3fid.onion
Screenshot from Ep.1 “I would prefer not to include my name”
Screenshot from Ep.2 “I’m currently living in my car”
Screenshot from Ep.3 “His reign stops here”
Screenshot from Ep.4 “A darker place mentally”
Screenshot from Ep.5 “Something wasn’t right”
Screenshot from Ep.6 “The saddest moment”
Commissioned by Abandon Normal Devices and Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art.