Eva & Franco Mattes


Luther Blissett (1994-99)


Likeness of “Luther Blissett”



In the summer of 1994 a number of individuals, including us, began using the name “Luther Blissett” to author a variety of public interventions. The idea was simple: anyone could become Luther Blissett by borrowing the name. In the following years the multiple-use name was adopted by hundreds of people in Italy and across Europe to dupe the press into reporting non-events, hijack popular TV programs, sell radical books to publishers, conduct psychogeographic urban experiments, fabricate artists, denounce media witch hunts, and much more.

After dozens of media hoaxes, art projects, fake articles, real magazines, books, comics, music records and radio programs, Luther decided to greet the new millennium by committing a ritual suicide. Suicide is the ultimate and most extreme “take to the bush” of this folk hero.




Luther Blissett




Luther Blissett













Luther Blissett







Luther Blissett







Luther Blissett







Luther Blissett













Eva & Franco Mattes, Darko Maver




Luther Blissett




Luther Blissett