Eva & Franco Mattes


The Bots (2020)

A 7-episode video installation series based on interviews with internet content moderators. The interviews were conducted in collaboration with journalist Adrian Chen as part of a year-long investigation. The videos are available to watch on DIS.



Eva & Franco Mattes, Frankfurter Kunstverein




Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots




Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots



The interviews were reenacted by several actors, who filmed themselves at home using their phones.



Eva & Franco Mattes, Frankfurter Kunstverein



Each video is displayed on the back of a customized office desk from the same brand used at Facebook’s Berlin moderation center, where the interviewees worked.



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots




Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots




Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots



To share their stories, we adopted the aesthetics of fake makeup tutorials—commonly used on social media to bypass censorship.



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots




Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots




Eva & Franco Mattes, Frankfurter Kunstverein




Eva & Franco Mattes, Frankfurter Kunstverein



Serious discussions on topics such as violence, sexual abuse, hate speech, and terrorism are continuously interrupted by makeup tips. Makeup, which conceals imperfections on the face, parallels content moderation: a process that “beautifies” the internet by removing undesirable content.



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots

Screenshot from “Ep.1 Greek Market”, featuring Bobbi Salvör Menuez



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots

Screenshot from “Ep.2 Italian Market”, featuring Ruby McCollister



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots

Screenshot from “Ep.3 Arab Market”, featuring Jake Levy



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots

Screenshot from “Ep.4 Turkish Market”, featuring Irina Cocimarov



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots

Screenshot from “Ep.5 English Market”, featuring Jesse Hoffman



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots, Alexandra Marzella

Screenshot from “Ep.6 Greek Market”, featuring Alexandra Marzella



Eva & Franco Mattes, The Bots

Screenshot from “Ep.7 Spanish Market”, featuring Bramble Trionfo



Commissioned by KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin.